“Providing World Class Service In Almost Every Corner of The Globe”
The Navi Global team is a Multifaceted Media Team Working Together For The Glory of God. We are a cohesive network of creative individuals providing services in mass media, print, advertising, marketing, production, and more.
Navi has a heart for God’s people and what God has called them to accomplish on the earth. We make it our mission to reach people worldwide for HIS glory using every single one of our products and services, each one which is designed to help God’s people excel spiritually and naturally.
Navi is BOLD in its faith as a Christian company and is not afraid to publicly say we stand on the word of God because HE is at the very core of our fabric. While Prophet Blaine is the prophetic visionary of this great company we have always said and we will continue to say that God is the REAL Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and The President of this great company and we are never afraid to say “God did this thang”
Our story
We have a heart after God’s people. It is our mission to reach people worldwide for The Glory of God.
“Not just a story, but a journey.”
All great businesses have great stories to tell about how they birthed and grew their businesses despite the great challenges they faced. Unlike our competitors in media WMG echo’s like a voice from the future establishing the prophetic in the realm of the natural.
Our journey began in the summer of 2013 when God first spoke to a young Prophet calling him to start a media company that would one day go global. Accepting this mandate was no easy task but despite living on a friend’s couch and having only $6 USD to his name the prophet accepted the call.
While laying on the floor of the backroom in a small house in suburban Detroit God began to download into Blaine the vision of having an online radio station. Despite having zero education and training in broadcasting over a few months God himself taught the prophet by reverse-engineering the technology in his mind, showing him how it functioned until one day God said “You’re’ Ready” This was the beginning of what would one day be Worship Media Group.
Initially, the radio network was broadcasting from a kitchen counter but this was not good enough for Blaine. The prophet believed he had in his hand a God-given vision but to compete successfully with big guys the team had to GO BIG.
In early 2015 Prophet Blaine and the team launched an online radio network that immediately captured the attention of audiences across the country and around the world growing to reach hundreds of thousands of listeners worldwide in a matter of months. Unfortunately due to the untimely death of the prophet’s spiritual mother, Dr. Rhdoa Byrd in August of 2016 Prophet Blaine was forced to start everything from scratch but had God’s supernatural favor on his side.
Despite having to start all over again, the prophet stood on God’s word and believed that the plan would prosper. The manifestation of God’s favor was evident and manifesting as the team set out to give HIM all the glory. Worship Radio International was born in October of 2016, a mere 59 days after the passing of Dr. Byrd.
Unlike many other Christian businesses that hide behind corporate identities to gain clients and market share God continually impressed upon us to be BOLD and BLATANT about who we are and what we believe, something it continues to do even today.
As ambassadors and leaders in the kingdom of God, we must bring change to the media mountain. We have been called watchmen over this mountain to maintain it and take a non-compromising stance by shifting the spiritual atmosphere in our generation.
Meet The Team
Prophet Blaine
Founder & CEO
Apostle Haydee
Linda Hunt
Chief Operations Officer
HolyCloud World Operations Manager
WMG Sales Specialist
Director of Outreach
HQ Office Manager
Sales Agent
Support Staff